I am back on the book review bandwagon! I just received The Double-Daring Book for Girls by Andrea J. Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz. I reviewed their first book, The Daring Book for Girls last year. This is a further exploration into projects, trivia, experiments and history for girls. I ended up giving the first book to my husband's 12 year old cousin, who tells me she would like to have this one when I'm finished. I consider that to be a good review in itself.
It's a fun book, I enjoyed the random historical facts about women I read, and was particularly interested in the crafts -- dream catchers; decoupage bowls; batik. I'll use that info for future art classes, for sure. I also got absorbed in the hula hoop factoids, as our older son, H. is an amazing hula-hooper. I believe that the world record is 7 hours, which I think he could beat. However, he is a little boy, so I think he would lose interest after a few minutes and move on. A dream I must put on hold.
The people encouraging our reviews have asked us to turn this into a book shower, in the spirit of Daring in the title. I considered the hula hoop, of course, and I may still do it. But because it's a rainy day here, and I love words, I will direct you to an abridged list of Words to Impress from page 199 in the book. I dare you to write a poem using one, two or more of these words. I chose my favorite, the Haiku format -- first line 5 syllables, second line 7 syllables, third line 5 syllables. You can do whatever type of poem you like. Just leave it in the comments.
I hope you can participate. If not, I'm getting the hula hoop out!
Some of the more interesting words from the book:
agnosia: The inability to recognize objects through the senses.
bloviate: To talk for a long time, in a pompous manner.
chimerical: Wildly fanciful; highly improbable
doppelganger: A person's double; a ghostly twin of a living person.
euphonious: Pleasing to the ear.
herculean: Of unusual size, power, or difficulty; resembling Hercules in strength or courage.
imbroglio: A difficult and complicated entanglement; a confusing situation.
jongleur: A wandering minstrel.
larrikin: A person given to comical or outlandish behavior; a rowdy or disorderly person.AWuidnunc: a gossip or busybody; a nosy person.
tabescent: Progressively getting smaller, wasting away.
undulant: Resembling waves; wavelike in motion.
wizened: Withered; shriveled; dried up; shrunken.
And here are my three haiku:
1. Tangling tails, backs arched,
Euphonious cats chorus.
The house cat's ears twitch.
2. Imbroglio my arse!
This is a fine example
of just walk away.
3. Its nose pokes too far.
Personal stories are its food.
A Quidnunc it is.