I have been away a bit. Sorry, Paige! I guess I gave myself an extended birthday blog break. That and the extraordinarily HOT weather here in the NE. I had to change my shirt three times on Tuesday with sponge baths in between so I wouldn't STINK UP THE ENTIRE HOUSE. And shame my small sons when I picked them up from school.
They sweetly tell me that I do not smell badly. I wonder how long that will last?
I actually did try to post, post-birthday, but the post disappeared into the ether forever and ever. What have we been up to? Mini root canals for Habtam (poor, poor boy), swimming in our lovely neighbor's pool, beach visits, playing with our cousins, fighting with our cousins, making up with our cousins. Tumultuous cousin relationships: "Cousins no play me. Cousins not nice. Can I go cousins' house?"
I finally finished this quilt.
I'm very pleased with it, except for the stains caused by the humidity last summer (yes, it's been that long) from the red linen which came from an old blouse of mine. Alex says "
wabi sabi," and I say, "yeah, yeah."
We've spent some lovely late afternoons looking at the early moon and wondering aloud why we can see it so early:
Lire: Mommy, I see moon! Why I see moon?
Me: Mmmm, I'm not sure. Why do you think?
(Somehow, God and Mother Nature get into the conversation...)
Lire: I know! Bob put moon up in sky, wires underground, Nature plug in wires -- we see moon in sky!
Me: Bob put the moon in the sky?
Lire: Yes, Bob. And Nature plug in wires.
In the beginning, there was... Bob.
If you haven't already figured it out, Lire is Hi-Lire-ous. Lately I've been mentally calling him "The Peevish Postmaster." I had to stop bringing him along with me to the post office to get our mail because he would refuse to leave if he didn't get any himself. Which he rarely does. Junk mail sufficed for a while, but he figured that out pretty quick. He gets very irritated when he doesn't get mail. Today Habtam got a birthday invite in his mailbox at school. Lire watched as H excitedly opened it and I read it aloud. As we walked up to the real post office Lire wondered aloud if HE would get a birthday invitation in our PO Box. It was heartbreaking, since I could guess the ending to this hopeful story. I tried to prepare him for the inevitable disappointment, "You might not get any mail today Lire. Remember, usually it's bills for Mommy and Daddy..."
The box was opened. One bill, one circular, a bit of junk. No. Letter. For. Lire. Or as he would say, "No mail me."
Tears. Disappointed, devastated, derailed dreams.
At least he left the post office. He cried to the car. I told him we would write some letters to various friends and family members so he might get a reply. Inconsolable.
Except for the chickens. Phew! Our neighbor's chickens and resulting eggs are a sure fire way to cheer up the Peevish Postmaster. Still. If any of you out there would like to write a letter to the Peevish Postmaster, leave a comment and I'll send you our info. It would make his life close to complete.
And now for some visual cuteness for your viewing pleasure.
PS. Had some troubles with uploading the photos, so sorry for the sloppiness. The Peevish Postmaster is at the top of the post, his Swimmy brother is below and the quilt came up twice. Don't know why. Too tired to fix.