I was sitting at my computer this evening, checking FB friends' posts, etc. Looking at my lovely African violets and the zinnia bouquet with sage, Japanese anemones and lavendar. Very pretty. I thought to myself, I feel like writing on my blog. Just like that. Over a year since my last post. No real reason why.
And not too much to say. I am having a lot of trouble breathing. Just like last September. I didn't write about it then, since my last post was in June. But in late August, early September last year I had a lot of difficulty breathing. Had to up my prednisone to 15 mg. again. Quel drag, as Holly Golightly would say. By March I was down to 3.75mg. Still there. Won't be able to taper again, if at all, for a while. I have had a couple of moments of "oh shit! here it goes again." Pissed at myself, my illness, what I last called my first baby. I get really angry at her.
So that's what's up with my health. I still do cranial sacral therapy, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy and of course, the prednisone. I also have stepped up the yoga, and have started on the path of teacher training. I have a new job, fulltime, which I absloutely love. Which is rare, so I know, I am blessed. My two boys are exceptionally healthy and exceptionally cute and wonderful. Not without their challenges, of course, but they are human.
My younger guy lost his first tooth today. He really lost it, can't find it. So, following the recommendation of his older, wiser cousin who also lost a tooth in a watermelon-eating episode, he wrote a letter to the tooth fairy. This is significant. My younger lad does not feel very comfortable writing or reading. He has anxiety about it. But this was important. He sat at his desk, using a pencil, in case he made a mistake, and wrote the cutest letter of all time to the tooth fairy. He asked him/her, his/her name. He told aforementioned fairy that he lost his tooth somewhere. Lastly, he asked if he could have a picture of him/her.
His tooth fairy will save this letter forever.
So you see, life is still miraculous, illness or no illness.