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December 09, 2008



I'm catching up after a bit. Sure hope you are able to rest (can mothers do that?) as needed and feel better soon! Sorry about the in-law (or as I say "out-law") stuff. Rude behavior on their part - OMG! As you may recall, I have some out-law issues too and can relate. What I've discovered is, there is no "right' way to respond. The only thing you can do it try to stay true to yourself, and do the best for you and the kids, which it sounds like you did. I am sorry though, as I know the stress it causes (to the mind and body!).
The kids are adorable and their stories recently so very cute and memorable. Last week my 6 year old was proposed to. You just have to love these days! Love to hear how the class VIP did this week. Have fun in NYC!
Again, feel better!!!


Hey Erin, feel better!!!
The boys look so good in red! Red is such a good color for little guys, isn't it? Hope H enjoys his VIP status. In our school it's "Star of the Week," although VIP sound much "hipper."
Feel good!


hi erin,

hope you feel better. i enjoy your posts and pics as always. i was wondering how the dinner thing is going with the habtam. remember your post quite awhile ago about that? we're in the process of adopting from ethiopia and i want to be prepared for anything! also, i was wondering if either of the boys has said anything about not liking their skin color. i've seen other bloggers mention that with their kids and i was wondering how you'd handle the situation. if i recall you're in a more diverse area, yes? which i think would help immensely.
also, thanks for the cookbook . love it.


Hi Erin,

Those boys are getting handsomer and handsomer as each month passes.

Hope you're doing better, a couple of my friends have auto-immune diseases and they s*** big time.

Great for Habtam being VIP of the Week! Both boys seem to be doing so well...great parents = great kids, IMHO.

take care,

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