I've been away, if you haven't noticed. I should say, if you've been reading. I think it's my subconscious telling me to take a leave of absence. Between the usual business of two boys, said boys starting school, and my self-induced insanity, I need to go off the computer for a while. I'm happy with my parenting in some ways, and in others, well, frankly, I'm disappointed in myself. Not just parenting, but being a human being and getting along with people in the world. Because that's what being in a family, having relationships, is about, really. Getting along with people. Having children has brought that to the forefront of my daily activities, and I am finding it very challenging. Working at the camp forced me to work amongst a variety of different people, a task at which I did quite well. However, I feel tapped out and wonder why I cannot bring that level of humanity to my daily life with my kids.
I don't feel up to writing publicly about a lot of the things I've been working through, so I think I'll be journaling the old-fashioned way, in my little notebooks with the doodles in the margins.
Another interesting development that's been in the works for a while is that we will most likely be moving out of this area. Any tips or recommendations on great places to live near nyc, yet with room for two boys and a podengo to roam, would be greatly appreciated. Sigh.
Thanks so much for all of your gracious and loving support. I love blogging, and will probably return. I'm just tired these days and think I should formally withdraw while I regroup. I will be reading you guys when I'm feeling nosy, so I'll see you in your comments!
waiting for the bus on the first day of school. Al gave them quite a short 'do, which made them look WAY too old for my liking!
Cutest ankle in town. Go, Diego, Go!
Notice the blur? H couldn't wait to get on that bus. I didn't even get to kiss him goodbye! He was SO into it. This image sort of sums up the butterfly, bittersweet fall feeling I've been having of late. Double sigh.