I've alluded in the past to homeopathy and alternative medicine here and there on my blog. In my own health experience I've used allopathic (western meds) and the alternative paths. But I do try to utilize the least invasive treatment first and then use stronger stuff when warranted. My MIL is a homeopath, so I've learned a lot from her, and I've learned a lot from treating myself and all of the rare, strange and peculiar symptoms my illness caused me. I don't know what I would do without it, and I feel lucky that I have an alternative to Ibuprofen, e.g., if I've got a headache, and that I knew to use arnica before and after my nasal surgery to help with swelling and bleeding. I amazed the nurses at the hospital when the spurting fount of blood from my nose stopped immediately with my arnica.
I am NOT a homeopath, nor do I pretend to know very much at all, really. But I have discovered a remedy that helps Habtam SO MUCH with his impulsivity, competitiveness, and anger. When he was having so much trouble with his fillings falling out, infected gums, and pain, we had to suspend his behavioral remedy and use the arnica daily to help him deal and heal. Between two fillings and two mini-root canals, it took almost 3 weeks before we could give him his regular remedy again. And then he caught a summer cold, so we had to interrupt it AGAIN for about a week or so. A tough month all around for the poor guy.
So finally we have been able to give him his "happy medicine," as we call it, without interruption. Ahhh....
I keep track of his behavior using a simple chart of happy and sad faces. Today I looked at the last two weeks and saw how his behavior fluctuated according to when he had taken his remedy. Pretty amazing. Three tough days, no smiley faces. Remedy given on third tough evening. Five straight days of Happy faces. A bad day, a good day, a bad day, remedy repeated. Three straight days thus far of Happy faces. It seems to last about five days, then starts to yo-yo, until we repeat the remedy. I've noticed this for a long time, I just hadn't been charting it, so it's semi-Scientific.
Homeopathy is pretty complicated, and you do have to be interested in it to prescribe for oneself, but there are good homeopaths out there who can help you with the more complicated stuff. My MIL actually didn't prescribe this remedy, I found it myself, while reading an issue of
Homeopathy Today which specifically dealt with adoption and behavior. It described a child who appeared to come to choices as if with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, like in the cartoons. His mom described that he invariably chose the inappropriate one. This is what struck me in regards to H. We could really see him grappling with the choices between behaviors. He didn't seem to be able to make a good choice. He would invariably bite off his nose to spite his face.
Well, I found the remedy and ordered it in various strengths. It was great. It was so easy. And he appreciated it so much. He started to ask for it, telling us that his brain "didn't work." I don't know how long he'll need it, or if we'll have to change remedies some day when/if it stops working for him. What I do know is that it doesn't have any side effects, it allows him to focus, to make better decisions, and to be a happier, gentler person. I'm not saying it's a miracle and that there isn't any more weird or unwise behaviors. Because there are! But he seems to have more control, and that is what he needs.
I just thought I'd post about the trends I've noticed with H's behavior. And give a plug for homeopathy, of course. The remedy he responds to is called anacardium. It comes from a nut, I think. No two people necessarily respond to the same remedy because there are so many aspects to choosing the right one. So anacardium isn't necessarily the right remedy for every impulsive kid. It's just what works for H right now.
Below are some artworks by our focused boys. We spent about an hour drawing together. The first is by Habtam and is of a frog catching a fly. The second is by Lire. It's of a mommy pig and a mommy bird feeding their piglets. Yes. The mommy bird is feeding piglets, too. We know a farmer who lets us visit his sows and piglets, and the image has always thrilled little Lire. He tried to say later that it was ME who was feeding the piglets. He meant it as a compliment, believe me! There is no higher calling to Lire than feeding a baby milk from one's breasts. He is still personally affronted that boys can't do it.