I got this photo meme from Mrs. Figby, one of my FAVORITE bloggers. It's pictures of 11 everyday things for which you are grateful. She mentioned she found it a bit sappy, but hey, I'm all maple inside, so I'm a-gonna do it. NB -- it goes without saying that I am grateful for Al, so I'll give him a bow out.
The boys, of course. As insane a human being as I have become since our lives began together, I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, maybe I'd change a few things... no, no, I'm just kidding!
My podengo, Chauncey. He is my constant reminder that life is absurd, and I'd better get used to it. Oh, and he's so soft and squishable, too.
Trash, aka, "presents." Cardboard boxes, used tissue paper, shopping bags are all toys for our guys and keep them busy longer than t.v.
Product, as Kayan (sp?) on Queer Eye calls it. I don't use much product, being all natual-like, but I love my Dr. Hauschka.
My sewing machine. It makes me very happy.
My "room of one's own." Never had one before. I've had bedrooms where I've worked, and dining rooms, but never a room just for me, just for working. Virginia was so right.
Jasmine pearl green tea. Mmmm... When I regained my sense of smell after the first stage of my illness, it was the first thing I smelled and tasted. I almost cried. I cry easily, so I guess it's not such a big deal. Whenever I drink it, though, I think of this moment.
Buddha. Won't go into too much detail, but like Chauncey, he reminds me of the impermanence of everything and to lighten up, for buddha's sake!
Stole the view idea from Mrs. Figby, but it's true. I love the view off our porch, even in the dead of winter. Includes the knowledge that the beach is a walk away and Chauncey and the boys have a place to RUN.
Hands. Mine and everyone else's. So useful.
Feet. Same reason as above. Hate to sound goopy, but I had a lot of trouble walking during and immediately after my illness, so the fact that they are still sturdy, though a bit beany (they fall asleep a lot), means a lot. Thanks, feet. Please do not judge me for toe lint. I washed today, really. I just skimp on the feet in the winter months.
I'm sure I'm missing something. Like all my friends and family, rainbows and chickadees. But I think I've narrowed it down. Go ahead, do it yourself, and let me know so I can come see.