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June 06, 2007



Erin (and Alex):
Reading this is all so beautiful and amazing.
I can't imagine what it takes to make the transition that all of you are making.
And at those ages! Our daughter is 3 and because it's the age of identity formation (negotiating alternating feelings of dependence and independence, articulating (i.e. screaming) wants and desires), I work daily at compassion and patience -- and often fail. So we'll be reading your blog, and sending you our good thoughts. Know that we're here for playdates and questions.

fully operational battle station

Wow Erin. I have loved reading your posts. It is amazing how something so simple as putting the joice in the fridge and driving alone in the car can invoke a major disruption in the daily rythym.

The boys are beautiful and obviously thriving. And I was hoping you could post more about eh homeopathy. I am very interested what approaches have worked.



Erin, I am so familiar with this kind of tantrum and that kind of attachment to a bottle of juice or in our case (more often than not) packages of goldfish crackers. It is a wonder, isn't it, what those things can signify (or at least what they trigger) . . .

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