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May 23, 2007



Oh Erin! This is heavy stuff. I'm so glad you're telling us though; not just disappearing for chunks of time like I did. Please call me, or send me a private email with your number (I lost my whole address book last August when Grace spilled a glass of wine on it), and I will call you. I love you, my friend. 8^)

Mrs Figby

Just know that you're not alone and there are lots of resources out there that can help.

Sending good thoughts your way.


How difficult for all of you! I hope that time and your love will help him through all of this.


Hang in there...just get through one day at a time. And remember you can just fake the love until you feel it. Just go through the 'good mom' motions. It takes time to grow a relationship, especially when a child is grieving and afraid.

Hang in there....I've been there and I can tell you it gets tons, tons better. By the end of the summer, you'll probably be starting to settle in, and by Christmas I bet it will be lots better.

Sleep. Eat Chocolate. Go for a walk every day. Make sure your child gets lots of physical activity.

One day (or one minute) at a time will get you there.

All the best,
Mary, mom to many, including 2 from Korea and 2 from Ethiopia and 2 more still waiting in Ethiopia


Erin, it does get better. It gets so much better.
When the high from travel and all those endorphins that allow you to get through the beginning wear off, and you haven't caught up on sleep (and neither have they) and they start to realize this is forever (is it?!) it gets so hard. People told me six months. Six months to feel normal. And boy they were right. It was like a light switch, right about six months after homecoming. And now, it doesn't seem that it took so long at all.
You can email me anytime even if it's just to say "Gaaaaccckkkk!" I'll get it.


I'm sending really strong good karma your way.


Hang in there. You really are doing great, even in the moments that it doesn't feel that way!

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