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May 07, 2007



What a journey.....what a day. Are you catching your breath now and then along the way?

Your compassion and love for your boys is so incredibly evident. You and Alex are doing an outstanding job!

Don't forget to rest, breath, cry, laugh, etc. when you need to, my friend. These are intense days, but you all will make it through to the other side. A forever family is being forged as we speak. Beautiful stuff.


Thank-you for sharing this so openly and honestly. Perhaps knowing that you are being thought of half a world away will help in the tough moments. Each emotion is so extreme, hold onto each other tight.


"We realized that he has no idea that we will return to that wonderful place many, many more times in his life."
That's it exactly and there's just no way to make that pain better, other than to do those wonderful things over and over.


"We realized that he has no idea that we will return to that wonderful place many, many more times in his life."

This brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful and intuitive mama to your children.

Melese Ungamo

am so happy

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