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May 23, 2007



Great pictures!


Oh, yes! Great photos!!

Before you know it, you'll be having mostly better days. Then you'll wonder what in the world you ever did before you found each other.

fully operational battle station

Oh Erin,

I am so sorry that these are trying times for you and the boys. And I am so glad that you had a better day. Hopefully the good days will start to outnumber the bad. I can't even imagine how confusing and hard this time is for all of you.

We'll be there soon enough and I'll be leaning on your for advice. By that time, I'm sure you'll be a wealth of knowledge and the boyls will have it all figured out. That you guys love them and your not going anywhere.

Hang in there! The boys are just adorable. I'm also sorry that American Idol is over. Mayeb you should take up Project Runway when it comes on. My fave.

Take care,


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