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March 22, 2007


Jamie @ FOBS

These are EXCELLENT! I really love your style, I would buy these and splatter erin-ness all over my house...



Umm, WOW! All three of your projects are amazing! I love the styles, colors, and patterns of each. Very impressive. (I'm quite jealous.)


I love them all, but I especially love the Picasso. Also, I like knowing fred is Swedish for peace. Both my husband and I are half Swedish, and pretty much peace freaks. Do you think it's prounounced like the name Fred?

You rock.


love these! Picasso is gorgeous. And the bird fabric is really cool too!

Paz! (portuguese for peace)


I'm so late on this, but Pax (Latin), Paix (French), Salam (Amharic)

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