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January 01, 2007



well, how long have you been trying? In front of other people?!
That's pretty outrageous.
I have found that the issue of medical complication/non-infertility (or at least, untested fertility) is an area that social workers are often undereducated in. We felt quite alone at times in the process because it wasn't infertility, and there was just no one like us (that we knew of). And then there was our social worker's too candid statement when an expectant woman was considering us and one other couple: "I hope she chooses the other couple. You already have one." (As I found myself hoping, that woman chose to parent, and we decided that domestic adoption was not for us).


Oooo, ouch... No you shouldn't have to explain your health issues in a semi-public situation like that. Maybe to the social worker doing your homestudy... I'm glad you were able to realize that you didn't owe her more of an explanation. I'm sure I would have stammered on and on.

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